Today has been a hard day.. I've been very sad today and am really getting cabin fever I guess... I'm really tired of hearing people complain about how hot it is outside or having to run errands or having to clean the house or having to go to work, etc etc etc I don't want to hear it because I would love to be able to do any of those things! I want so much to be able to go outside for just 5 minutes so Ryan can bring atleast my Madi to come see me...
I asked one of my doctors today if or when I would be able to go outside for a little bit and he basically said never... He said I can't leave this floor. I said okay, he finished up and left.. as soon as the door closed I had a complete breakdown... Thank God Ryan was here.
So here I shall remain until our beautiful babies are born. Tomorrow will be 23 weeks so we are looking at atleast 7 more weeks probably more like 10 more weeks.. I have already been here over 3 weeks.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better, happier day...
Good night
I can't imagine how difficult it can be to be unable/not allowed to do the thing you're used to doing. I have been thinking about you a lot.