We're pregnant.... with TRIPLETS!

We're pregnant.... with TRIPLETS!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

11 weeks!

So I will be 11 weeks tomorrow!! We went to the doctor this past Thursday!! My appointment was at 3:00... we arrived a little early, and then waited until 4:00 to get called back!!!!  I was about to jump out of my skin I was so excited to see our sweet babies!  We had an ultrasound and all 3 babies look fabulous!! They were all 10 weeks 3 days in development (which is exactly where I was on Thursday!)  Their heartbeats were 161, 165, and 165!  They look like babies now - which is super exciting - AND they were very active!! They were moving around! It was the most awesome thing I have ever experienced!  We are so excited! 
I have gained 3 WHOLE POUNDS!! Dr. McDonald was pleased with this since I have been getting sick at least once every single day!  I am praying that this will stop at 12 weeks like everyone says it does... If so this will be the last week... (I'm not holding my breath!) We go back to the doctor on March 30th, unless I hear that my doctor wants me to see the maternal fetal specialist before then..

Friday afternoon, one of my friends from work went with me to start our registry at Babies R Us!  I had already registered online for the only triplet snap and go stroller and the car seats, but beyond that it was all to overwhelming to do on my own!  So, Leigh went with me and taught me A LOT!  This bottle vs that bottle, pacifiers, mattress pads and covers, diapers, diapers, diapers, and tons of wipes and much much more! OH and TOYS!  I had flash backs of the purpose of each of the toys in early childhood development and my Special Kids and Families days!  By the time we went through the whole baby department, I was exhausted!! You need so much of everything when you are having triplets!  I keep telling myself "God only gives me what I can handle... So I can do this!" 

Life in general has been insanely busy recently, and honestly I have WAY to much on my plate right now... teach all day, teaching after school dance class to my kiddos at MLC on Mondays, teaching dance at the studio on Thursdays, coaching with Ryan on Sundays, remodeling the kitchen, painting, MY SEWING BUSINESS!, the yearbook for MLC, along with keeping up with everything here at the house.. laundry, bills, dishes, dogs, etc etc.. I need to learn how to ask for help and to not take on so much....
Ryan's schedule doesn't look any better than mine and did I mention that he messed up his knee last weekend!  Thank God it's only really bruised!  After 2 doctor appointments, draining fluid off his knees, and an MRI this week, it was determined that he needs to wear a brace and take it easy for 2 weeks!  (Take it easy.. Yeah right!)

My big goal for the month is to get the flooring done down stairs (we decided to do laminate hardwood in the living room and dining room and possibly kitchen too!) I would prefer to do real hardwood, but we would definitely not get our monies worth out of it in this house.. So when we move in 3-5 years (to an area with better schools once all of this school consolidation crap finishes) we will have hardwood floors there.. Anyways the goal.. get the flooring done and the kitchen (take out existing base cabinets, replace them, move the fridge, install more cabinets, a new sink, counter top, and back splash... OH and start painting...
I think this goal is really big to complete in 3 weekends, BUT we don't have a lot of time considering we have to move the office to the current guest room, move the guest room to the current empty room, make the current office the NURSERY! Over the next 3 months I think we will be going through at least 10 gallons of paint.. SO if you like to paint and will work for food.. come on over! 

Okay I think I have rambled on about lots of randomness enough tonight.. it's late.. way past my bedtime!  Good night all!! Thanks for all of the thoughts, prayers, and cards!! We greatly appreciate all of the support!  I don't know what we would do without our family and friends! 
Love always,

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